YAP Clothing Drive
Young Adult Professionals
5 years ago
It’s time to clean out your closet! During the month of March Young Adult Professionals (YAP) is collecting professional clothing for all age groups and all sizes. There is a need for professional clothing in our community for those interviewing for new jobs or individuals who may have just started a new career. Help others succeed by donating your gently used professional clothes. YAP will be accepting donations until March 31st. You can either drop your donations off at the Cha1st Source Bank (325 S Lake St, Warsaw)
Brian Peterson Real Estate (2008 E Center St, Warsaw)
Beacon Credit Union (2514 E Center St, Warsaw)
Kosciusko Home Care & Hospice (1515 Provident Dr, Warsaw)
MutualBank (219 W Market St, Warsaw)
Old National Bank (120 N Buffalo St, Warsaw)
The Lab (120 E Center St, Warsaw)Contact the Chamber at (574) 267-6311 x2 for more information!