Chamber Event
2 years ago
Congratulations to our 2022 Making a Difference Award recipient, KCV (Kosciusko County Velo) Cycling Club!KCV has succeeded in making a difference in our community in many ways. In 2003, KCV hosted the first Fat and Skinny Tire Festival, an annual event that brings people from across the country to Kosciusko County. This event has become one of the largest multi-day bicycling events in the Midwest and has hosted some of the world’s best cyclists.The off-road Winona Lake Trails are funded, insured, and maintained by KCV. Over 1,600 volunteer hours are required to maintain the trails each year. In 2015, they launched the Tracey’s Trailer Mobile Bicycle Education Project, teaching safe bicycling skills to nearly 2,100 kids. Additionally, they were instrumental in securing the Bicycle Indiana and Indiana Department of Heath grants that led to the creation of the Ride+Walk Advisory Committee, the Ride+Walk Warsaw+Winona Lake Master Plan, and the push for Bicycle Friendly Community status in Washington D.C.They are currently in the process of raising funds to design and build a world class bicycle skills park on 15 acres adjacent to the trails. This will include a kids bicycle playground, skills course, additional mountain biking trails, and expansion of the greenway.Congratulations, KCV Cycling Club!