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A Bridge to Hope Opens in Warsaw

Ribbon Cutting

Lauren Posted by: Lauren 7 years ago

This morning, we held a ribbon cutting at A Bridge to Hope, located at 3111 E. Center St. EXT, Warsaw. A Bridge to Hope is a recovery resource center whose mission is to lead and unite community efforts that offer solutions to those affected by substance abuse disorder.They will be having an Opioid Crisis Community Call Out from 6PM – 8PM on Thursday, February 22nd at the North Webster Community Center. The event is being held as a gathering for all those concerned about the problem. They hope to have addicts, recovering addicts, friends and family of those affected, law enforcement, judges, county and city employees, law makers, school personnel, all social services, churches, the medical community, and businesses in attendance.The program for the night will include time for community comments and questions and they will continue to create a plan of action that everyone can participate in to help end drug and alcohol addiction in our community. To find out more, give them a call at (574) 377-9965 or visit their website, abridgetohope.orgAD_BLOCK

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